时间:2016/5/4 0:17:45 来源:我爱写信
一 封 信 作 文网为您 提 供给新老师的一封信(英文版)
How are you? I guess it’spretty tiring to correct all that homework, I wonder if there areany shortcuts?
As a new teacher for ourclass, I think maybe you would like to know a few things about ourclass.
Um…… firstly, maybe you would like a real goodassistant. I recommend agirl, her English name is Amy too, Amy Lin. She’s really good atprocessing details, and, yes, carrying stuff (but not too much).She does everything really fast, and can leave enough timeleft.
Secondly, you might need a student-tutor, astudent that teaches other students. Well, I think a student whichhas “maths-craze” called Eric well be fit for the job. Hecan get good English grades as well, also, he loves helping otherswith their studies. He wears black and blue rimmed glasses all daylong, and maybe you know him. Many boys treat him as a boss, andare willing to listen to him.
Thirdly, perhaps you’re alsolooking for a student which can entertain the class and makeEnglish classes more interesting (a class clown). Then I recommendLeo, he jokes all day long, has a great sense of humor and crazyimagination. But he isn’t a classic good student, so perhapssometimes you’ll get a bit annoyed.
It’sabout ten! Maybe I’ll have to leave the rest for nexttime.
五年级(上) 女儿写给新来的英语老师
一 封 信 作 文网为您 提 供给新老师的一封信(英文版)
2、尊敬的林老师: 您好! 在这封信里面,也有可能我会说让您生气的话,请您见谅。 林老师,我认为您是一个乐于助人的好老师,但是,林老师,我觉得你…阅读全文