时间:2020/4/17 0:09:59 来源:我爱写信
一 封 信 作 文网 为你提 供英语专业留学申请推荐信
To Whom It May Concern:
As professor of Chifeng University, I am willing to offer myself as my student Miss L’s reference. Miss L has studied under my guidance as one of the diligentest students, and I now stand ready to render all my possible support to her wishes to continue her study at your university.
I first met L in my course of English Listening in her first academic year. Since that time, she has impressed me with her assiduousness study attitude in Listening course. Although she is not the most prominent in Listening performance ranking, she paid greater attention to complement what she was lacking and insufficient, which made her one of the hardest working students at the school. Due to I often see her in library or Study room, I am sure that such positive efforts on academic study like L will help her outstanding performance in her major.
Additionally L, unlike most Chinese students that I have come into contact with, is also full of fresh, innovative ideas, some of which have even made me think and question myself. Otherwise, I have had several opportunities to meet and talk with L outside of the classes. She is a mature student with a keen enthusiasm for learning. I have discovered that she is highly respected by her peers and is able to articulate her ideas clearly and concisely. From observing her, I know that she works well with other students and possess a natural friendly attitude. With her commitment to perseverance and hard work, L has very potential for success in her future endeavors. I urge you to accept her into your programme.
In my opinion, Miss L is one of the most outstanding students in recent years. She also has tremendous development potential. I am sure she‘ll make a go of it.
I recommend Miss L without reservation and shall appreciate your favorable consideration of her application.
Respectfully yours,
Li xia
Tel: 0086 XXX
E-mail: XXX
一 封 信 作 文网 为你提 供英语专业留学申请推荐信
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